Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Friday, 25 January 2013
- you will be working in 2s or 3s
- All four web quests are here - only do YOUR one for now!
- your tutor will tell you which one to work on
- scroll down until you reach your quest
- use one machine for posting to the forum: http://eteaching.hyperboards.com/action/view_board/board_id/1/start/1 (click here and choose the appropriate post to reply to)
- also-
EVERYONE watch the accessibility video at the bottom of this post and use it to shape your own blog post on the accessibility of one or more etools (assessment 1.4) 150-200 words should cover it
to meet 1.3 you will be expected to select (your own) comments from the discussion board and put them in one easy to manage post.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
prezi task sheet from class
WPs step by step by task sheet/ how to guide to Prezi- if you didn’t look at it and it looks daunting then this is for you!
name generators
week 2 objectives
- discuss positive and negative experiences using technology and ways of limiting pitfalls
- Identify key legislation
- explain fundamentals of e-safety, data protection, accessibility
- complete a webquest/ discussion forum activity
- appraise ways of presenting and hiding links (world webquest)
- create some sort of webquest
- create QR codes
- create class key word collection/ random names in classtools
- experiment with classtools
comics in education
Some other links relating to comic strip use. I’m not the only enthusiast it seems! (MC 17/9/12)
jargon cheat sheet
There are a lot of ‘infographics’ about these days (visually impressive graphic representations of ideas , stats etc.) and this is a useful one about web 2.0 for learning jargon.
Here’s the intro:
“There’s a whole galaxy of terminology that you should know about when it comes to education technology. From PLNs to Blended Learning to Synchronous Online Learning… it can get overwhelming.”
Read the rest and see the infographic here: http://edudemic.com/2012/07/edtech-cheat-sheet/
The only prob is that they’re designed to stay online and on screen, not printed. I could really use one of these on my wall.
(MC 16/8)
The Tom Daley bullying thing on Twitter has led to some interesting discussions about free speech, bullying and so on. The article also has (at the end) links to useful materials on the topic.
Ofsted report on best practice in safeguarding in colleges. See especially page 13 where they talk about internet access and blocking.
A lot of people have started using 'Prezi' becuase of the 'wow' factor. The way you can zoom about is very appealing. The thing to consider though is 'does this zooming about add anything besides a raised eyebrow?' You need to ask what the teaching and learning justification is lest you end up with PowerPoints that zoom a bit. The ability to import PowerPoint directly into Prezi makes this even mroe likely now. So much for the downer.. I think there is ample justification for using it when you want to express ideas in a non linear fashion, reinforce links between aspects of a topic and create a visual 'whole' as a peg to hang several ideas onto. I have tried to do it in the one below:
The idea here was to have the notice board as the holding idea and gave me the ability to go backwards and forwards. In terms of producing it, the thing to do is a) get your ideas down (all of them!) b) establish the paths (i.e. the order that the Prezi will flow) and then c) put in a ‘holding’ or background image , shrink the items and fit them onto the main image. Then make the holding image the first focus and last by adding them to the path.
Better, I think, is this one by my son that he did for his extended project last year. The iceberg analogy works really well as a mechanism of emphasis and the radiating arms of key elements again tell me on a subconscious level that there are 3 key points to this particular aspect and help structure bot the presentation that accompanied it as well as his audience’s sense of sequencing and links.
Incidentally, to embed these into this blog post I have chosen the share, embed option BUT for some reason there’s an extra bit of code either side of the working Prezi that makes it look messy. All I do is delete it before posting.
If all of this sounds like a bridge too far then why not search Prezi for what’s already out there? You may find you have to do no work at all! http://prezi.com/explore/
M Compton