
Friday, 25 January 2013


Week 2 Webquest- You have 1 hour to do this.

When you have finished, read other posts and reply, offering ideas, clarifications, examples, questions... (using your own name- this is part of TWO of the assessed activities!)

 - also-
EVERYONE watch the accessibility video at the bottom of this post and use it to shape your own blog post on the accessibility of one or more etools (assessment 1.4) 150-200 words should cover it

to meet 1.3 you will be expected to select (your own) comments from the discussion board and put them in one easy to manage post.

webquest 1- e-safety

1. Skim read the article and identify 10 key points- in your forum post- about Ofsted e-safety framework: 

2. Go to this childline site (I don;t know if you saw in yesterday's metro another tragic case of a teenager who killed herself becuiase of cyberbullying)

Identify 3 specific things that may be described as cyberbullying and note them in your forum post

3. Go to the next URL, watch the video (you may have to share headphones) Identify the 5 most important points raised:

Optional Extension: Suggest 2 other places for clear information on e-safety

webquest 2 -Data Protection

1. follow this link and skim read the info on data protection in education

Anything you didn't know from this summary page? If not, (well done) and what are the most important points?

2. Follow the next link. What is a cookie and what is the main concern about cookies? Put your answer into the discussion forum thread.

 (big document, takes while to load- also just key info- don;t read the whole thing at this stage! skim!)

webquest 3. Inclusion

1. Go to this site: JISC info on inclusion

(in your own words) Describe the 4 themes (links on left) that can be explored further and post this to the forum

Follow the link and in your post give examples of how technology can support students with disabilities.

3. Go here: future lab stuff   on the first page after the front cover there is a list of key terms. Copy and paste this into a reply post on the forum. 

Skim read p.9 of the same document: What is the core message here? Post your answer to the forum. 

Webquest 4- Accessibility

1. In terms of using technology the word 'accessibility' has a very specific use- on Google's ideal what would you say accessibility means? Post answer to forum

2. The web site includes several links to ideas about how to make materials and sessions more accessible:

Choose a category and click through the sub links making sure you follow the link 'content creation' . Copy and paste that link to the forum and summarise the recommendations. 

3. watch at least some of Martin's overview and add any extra points you find to a discussion post


extension for everyone
here's another sample of a webquest.
what 'rules' of FORMATTING and presentation would you suggest for a webquest?

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