Trucano (2015, online) addresses this fear head on. Using historical, research and experiential justifications he draws the following conclusions with which I wholeheartedly concur:
"Introducing new technologies will not replace teachers.
Experience from around the world shows us that, over time, teachers' roles become more central -- and not peripheral -- as a result of the introduction of new technologies.
Introducing new technologies will, however, replace some of the things that teachers do -- and require that teachers take on new, often times more sophisticated, duties and responsibilities.
That said, teachers who don't use technology will be replaced by teachers who do" (my italics)
That fear is perhaps justified when compounded by the evident glee with which performative and audit driven tech based systems are introduced in some areas of education but it is the application and use of technology in effective ways to support teaching and learning that needs to be embraced. Distinctions need to be made by properly trained teachers between monitoring tools and teaching/ learning tools as a first step towards undermining ongoing resistance.
Trucano, M. (2015) Will technology replace teachers? No, but ... [online]. Available at: <>
That said, teachers who don't use technology will be replaced by teachers who do."
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